GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual
Page 291
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The iraction off light will tome on uorfet the iollowlnq
* The Traction Assist System is lurned oFÍ^ eilher b/
pressing the TAS on/ofl button or turning qtf the
aulomalic engagement leature oT the TAS.
* TN transmission is in FIRST {1); TAS will nol
operate In this gear This ts normal,
* The vehicle is driven on an extremely rough road.
When the vehicle leaves the rough surlace, sloviis
down Df stops, the light will go olt and TAS will
be on again. This is normat.
* A Traction Assist System. Anli'Loct< Brake System
or engine-related problem has been detecied and
the vehicle needs service.
* If the vehicle has been driven with the TAS system
□n for long periods of bme. or if the vehicle has gone
through rnany several high speed braking maneuvers
Ihe syslem may he automatically drsahled. The
syslem will automalically re-enable alter
approximately two minules of not using the brakes.
Traction Off Light on pag9 3-4l.
The Traction Assisi System, as dollvered from the
factory, will aiitomaticafly come on whenever you start
your vehicle. To limit wheel spin, especially in
slippery road conditions, you should always leave Ihg
System on, Bui you Can lurn Ihe TAS off if you ever need
tOr You shoLJfd turn the TAS otf if your vehicle ever
gets sluck in sand, mud or snow and rocking Iha vehicle
is required, See
ftocHing Your Vehicle
u You
Are Siuci^;; tn Sartd^ M ud, Ice or Stion on page 4-30.
To turn the system on or
off press the TAS on/off
button located on the
InstTumenl partel.
II you used the button to turn the system off, |he traction
off light will come on and slay on. You can turn the
system back on a! any time by pressing the button
again. The traction off lighl should go off.