Signal scope properties, Visibility panel, Traces properties – MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual

Page 568

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Signal Scope Properties

Signal Scope Properties Panel

Visibility Panel

Visibility Panel

For Docking, select where on the monitor you want the test-run display to be positioned, Top, Left, Bottom,
Right, or Fill, where the display fills the entire tab or panel.

Show Condition lets you show or hide the test-run displays, depending on the condition of the variable
expression. For example, you could set up a condition to check the variable containing the specimen type
for a Set Variable test-run display to make visible the diameter only when the specimen type is round, but
hidden for a rectangular specimen. Likewise, you can use two more Set Variable test-run displays for
width and length to be visible if the specimen type is rectangular but hidden when the specimen type is

Traces Properties

A trace is the representation of a series of values plotted against another series of values. Depending on
the type of view, you can plot signal or variable data on either the Y- or X-axis.

568 | MTS TestSuite

Test-Run Displays