Store ending path value variables, Store ending path value variables overview, Create and use store ending path value variables – MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual

Page 290

background image

print "Failed to write array to " + str(file)
# Clear tsVarArray to demonstrate readFileAsArray
tsVarArray = []
print "\ntsVarArray is now empty: "
print tsVarArray
tsVarArray = readFileAsArray(file)
print "\ntsVarArray after readFileAsAraay: "
print tsVarArray

Store Ending Path Value Variables

Store Ending Path Value Variables Overview

You can create a Store Ending Path Value variable to store which path in a Parallel Paths or Composite
activity ends the parallel path. Set up the variable with choice list selections that describe each possible
path that could end the parallel activity.

The Store Ending Path Value variable can be viewed in the test results and could also be used in a
custom message window or other test logic.

Create and Use Store Ending Path Value Variables

To create and use store ending path value variables:

1. Create a Store Ending Path Value variable for the Parallel Paths or Composite activity.

a) From the Variable Name list in the Store Ending Path Value panel, click .
b) On the Type list, click Text.
c) Set the Default Value and Default Option settings.
d) In the Availability settings, select the During Test, Result, and Editable Post-Test check boxes.
e) Add Choice List selections to the variable. Each choice-list selection can identify a possible ending

path value for the parallel path.

2. In the composite activity’s Store Ending Path Value Variable Name property, select the Store Ending

Path Value variable that you created earlier.

3. Click on each path in the composite activity, and select the Ending Path Value (choice-list selection)

that identifies the path. For example, in the Break Detection path, select BreakDetected.

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Working with Variables