Compensator types, Compensator availability – MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual
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and automatically boosts subsequent commands to ensure that the LVDT feedback achieves the desired
command. You can view the compensated command with the scope and meters.
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Compensator Types
MTS offers a variety of compensators to optimize command levels. Certain compensators work more
effectively than others for specific applications. The following compensators are available for command
Static and Dynamic Null Pacing
Peak-Valley Amplitude Control (PVC)
Amplitude Phase Control (APC) Compensator (option)
Adaptive Inverse Control (AIC) Compensator (option)
Arbitrary End Level Control (ALC) Compensator (option)
Peak-Valley-Phase Control (PVP) Compensator (option)
Adaptive Harmonic Cancellation (AHC) (option)
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(p. 133)
Compensator Availability
Not all compensators are available to every command activity for one or more of the following reasons:
Some compensators apply only to specific types of command activities. For instance, Peak Valley
Compensation (PVC) pertains only to cyclic command.
Some compensators, such as Adaptive Inverse Control (AIC), are licensed and will be available only
if they were purchased.
Some compensators, such as Null Pacing, will be available only if they are enabled in the underlying
station configuration.
Selecting compensators when not connected to a station
It is good practice to wait until you connect to a station before selecting compensators for command
activities. When not connected to a station, the compensator list for a given command-type activity displays
all of the types of compensators that are possible to use with the activity. When you connect to a station,
the list of compensators displays only the compensators that are actually available to the activity.
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Working with Multipurpose Elite