Point pick properties, Chart titles and legend – MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual

Page 526

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Point Pick Properties

Point Pick Window

Point Pick Properties



Click the check box to show a circle around an individual data point and the
value of the point when selected by the mouse cursor. Deselect the check
box to suppress the data display.

Show Highlight

Show the values of two points, the difference between their values, and the
slope of a line drawn through the two points.

Show Delta and
Slope Labels

Specify the number of rows used to arrange the labels, delta, and slope. Click
the up-arrow or down-arrow to increase or decrease the number of rows. The
value range is 1 - 6.

Number of Rows

Chart Titles and Legend

Titles and Legends Button

Click the Titles and Legends button to open the Chart Titles and Legend window where you can configure
the details of your display and legend, such as color, font size, location in the window, and border details.

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