Channelindex, Fractureindex – MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual
Page 233

1. Searches the _Load channel and the PrimaryExtension channel.
2. Looks for the _Load channel to drop 80% from its peak value, and for the PrimaryExt channel to change
by 0.1 in.
If PeakLoad = 100lbs, then the calculation returns the number of the data point when the load has dropped
to 20lbs and the PrimaryExt channel has changed by 0.1 in.
If PeakLoad = 80lbs, then the calculation returns the number of the data point when the load has dropped
to 16lbs and the PrimaryExt channel has changed by 0.1 in.
The ChannelIndex function is used to locate the index of the data in the array that is closest in value to
the value being searched.
This function returns the index point in the array of the closest value.
ChannelIndex (searchChannel, searchValue,[startIndex], [endIndex])
SearchChannel- The array data being analyzed.
SearchValue - The value being search for in the array.
StartIndex - The optional starting point in the array. The starting point in the array is used if this parameter
is not provided.
EndIndex - The optional ending point in the array. The last point in the array is used if this parameter is
not provided.
Unit Class
A test contains the input StrainPoint1 that is equal to 10%.
ChannelIndex (Strain, StrainPoint1)
This formula:
1. Searches the Strain channel.
2. Locates the data point whose value is closest to 10% strain.
If data point #100 has a strain value of 9.8% and data point #101 has a strain value of 10.1%, the calculation
returns the value #101 because this data point is closest to the desired value.
The FractureIndex function finds the fracture index. A line is drawn at a percentage (the fracture percent)
of the slope of the X-Y curve.
MTS TestSuite | 233
Working with Variables