Map variables window – MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual
Page 157

the automatic settings and allows you to finish any mapping that the
automatic setting did not map.
This selection allows you to manually map the signals and additional
calculations by clicking the Configure button and using the Map Variables
Yes, manually map
window. Click the Use Default Variable button to perform automatic
mapping for the selected signals or use the drop-down list for each signal
to assign variables.
For More Information
Save Data to Variables Overview
(p. 154)
Automatically Mapping Variables
(p. 161)
(p. 161)
Map Variables Window
Use the Map Variables window to map a variable to signal data. The data is calculated during the test run
for those cycles that are selected or defined in the properties for the Data Acquisition activity. The data
values for each acquired cycle are available for use in the run-time display and are saved for post-test
You can also add or edit a variable while in this window. In the Additional Variables to Calculate panel, to
open the Add Variable window, click the New Variable icon (green plus sign) or right-click and select New
Variable. To open the Edit Variable window, click the Edit Variable icon (...) or right-click on a variable
name and select Edit Variable.
To open the Map Variables window:
1. Open the Properties panel of an DAQ activity.
2. Add signals to the Signal list.
3. In the Save data to variables? panel, select the Yes, automatically map variables or Yes, manually
map variables option and click Configure.
MTS TestSuite | 157
Data Acquisition (DAQ)