MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual

Page 156

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Data Acquisition Window

Signal-to-Variable Mapping Options



The signal data is not saved to variables.


The acquired signals are automatically mapped to variables of the same
name with the word “Array” appended and illegal characters removed.

Yes, automatically map

For example, the signal with an internal name of “Axial Force” is mapped
to the variable “AxialForceArray”.

Only signals whose mapping type is an Array are automatically mapped.

If a variable that meets the mapping criteria does not exist in the test,
the application automatically creates the variable.

Signals whose values are calculated by the DAQ activity (such as axial
force mean) are not automatically mapped. You must manually map
these signals using the Use Default Variables button.

In addition, any calculations that are dependent on these mapped variables
are automatically added to the Additional Variable Calculations list.


To view the automatic variable selections, click the Configure button
to display a read-only version of the Map Variables window.


To simplify the mapping of variables, you can initially select Yes,
automatically map variables
to map the majority of the signals
and populate the Additional Variables to Calculate list. You can then
switch the setting to Yes, manually map variables. This retains

156 | MTS TestSuite

Data Acquisition (DAQ)