Scatter effect 522
Strobe Light effect 523
Texturize effect 523
Threshold effect 524
sub (expression element) 562
subscript text 281
superscript text 281
super-slow motion 535
SWF. See Flash (SWF)
Switch 3D View command 127
about 147
Continuously Rasterize 151
Lock 149
Quality 150
Shy 150
Solo 149
Video 148
synthetic layers 314
system requirements 1
tablets, graphics 305
tate-chuu-yoko text 282
technical support 1
telecine transfer 69
template projects 23
for output module settings 599
for render settings 597
Temporal Filtering, Remove Grain
effect 468
temporal properties 152
temporalWiggle (expression
element) 578
aligning on a path 294
baseline 274
baseline shift 281
bounding box 276
case 281
changing direction 276
color 280
composition 285
conversion, paragraph and
point 276
creating 273
creating shapes from 320
editing 277
fill and stroke 279
formatting 278, 283
from other applications 273
from version 6.0 project 280
justified 284
kerning and tracking 280
leading 279, 282
offsetting character values 288
paragraph text 273, 275, 276
as particles 500
Path Options 294
point text 273, 274, 276
scaling 281
selecting 277, 289
superscript and subscript 281
text animation presets 285
text animator groups 288
Text effects
Basic Text effect 524
Numbers effect 526
Path Text effect 526
Timecode effect 530
text, animating
about 285
effects 527
examples 295, 297, 298, 299, 300,
on a path 293
with animator groups 286
Texturize effect 523
thisComp (expression element) 560
thisLayer (expression element) 560
thisProperty (expression
element) 561
Threshold effect 524
thumbnail images 111
display style 132
in expressions 559
time (expression element) 561, 580
time conversion, with
expressions 562
Time Difference effect 532
Time Displacement effect 533
Time effects
Echo effect 531
Posterize Time effect 532
Time Difference effect 532
Time Displacement effect 533
Timewarp effect 535
time graph 109, 112
time ruler 123
Time Stretch property, conversion in
Adobe Premiere Pro 66
timecode 132
Timecode effect 530
Timeline panel 109
timeRemap (expression element) 572
time-remapping 220, 223, 224
time-remapping (expressions) 559
Time-Reverse Keyframes keyframe
assistant 220
time-stretching 219
timeToCurrentFormat (expression
element) 562
timeToFeetAndFrames (expression
element) 562
timeToFrames (expression
element) 561
timeToNTSCTimecode (expression
element) 561
timeToTimecode (expression
element) 561
time-vary stopwatch 184
Timewarp effect 535
Tint effect 403
title-safe zones 130
toComp (expression element) 573
toCompVec (expression
element) 574
Toggle Hold Keyframe 208
tonal adjustments 397
tonal levels, posterizing 399, 400
tonal range
adjusting 387
tonal range, adjusting 396, 402
Tone effect 375
tone response 239
tool tips 20
tools 20
toWorld (expression element) 574
toWorldVec (expression
element) 574
tracing channels 256
track mattes 263
track points 335, 343
Track XY Camera tool 180
Track Z Camera tool 180
Tracker Controls panel 339
tracking data 341
tracking motion. See motion