Encoding and compression options for movies, Format options and export settings – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


Offline compositions appear with an Offline icon

in the Adobe Premiere Pro Project panel. In Encore, the

thumbnail preview displays the Offline icon when an offline asset is selected in the Project panel. If you’re working
with an offline composition, you can relink it to the original After Effects composition. You can also choose to relink
a linked composition to a different source composition.

Take a dynamically linked composition offline (Production Premium only)

You can take a dynamically linked composition offline if system resources are low, preventing you from smoothly
playing back or previewing, or if you want to share your project without having to open it on a system with
Production Premium installed. When you take a composition offline, you sever the dynamic link with After Effects,
and the linked composition is replaced in the Project panel with an offline composition.

You can temporarily suppress a linked clip in Adobe Premiere Pro by selecting the clip and choosing Clip > Enable.
To relink the clip, choose Clip > Enable again (a check mark next to the command indicates that the clip is enabled).

For more information about disabling clips, see Adobe Premiere Pro Help.


In Adobe Premiere Pro, select the composition in the Project panel.


Choose Project > Make Offline.

Relink a dynamically linked composition (Production Premium only)

Do one of the following:

In Adobe Premiere Pro, select the composition and choose Project > Link Media. In the Import Composition
dialog box, choose an After Effects project, and then choose a composition.

In Encore, right-click the composition and choose Locate Asset. In the Locate Asset dialog box, locate the compo-
sition you want to link to and then click Select (Windows) or Open (Mac OS).

Encoding and compression options for movies

Format options and export settings

After Effects uses the Adobe Media Encoder to encode most movie formats through the Render Queue panel. You
can use QuickTime to encode other movie formats (such as raw DV streams) through the File > Export menu.

For most output formats, you can specify format-specific encoding and compression options. In many cases, a dialog
box opens and presents these options when you choose a format to export to, either in the Output Module Settings
dialog box or from the File > Export menu.

Formats encoded by the Adobe Media Encoder share a similar export settings dialog box, which you can open by
clicking the Format Options button in the Output Module Settings dialog box.

When exporting with the Adobe Media Encoder, choosing a format automatically makes available a list of associated
presets designed for particular delivery scenarios (for example, the Apple iPod Video Small preset for the H.264
format). Choosing a preset activates the appropriate options in the various settings panels (Video, Audio, and so on).

Note: It is possible in some cases to specify a setting in an export settings dialog box that conflicts with a setting made in
the Render Settings or Output Module Settings dialog box. In such cases, After Effects warns you of the mismatch so that
you can correct it before continuing.