layers 138
adding 289
Expression 300, 301
Range 289, 295, 298
Wiggly 289, 296, 300
selflink 40
Send Layer Backward command 138
separating fields 71
Sequence Layers keyframe
assistant 144
sequence markers, conversion in
After Effects 67
sequences of still images 81, 606
Set Channels effect 386
Set First Vertex command 325
Set Matte effect 386
setting up projects 28
shadow clipping 387
Shadow Map Resolution 181
Shadow/Highlight effect 402
shadowDarkness (expression
element) 575
shadowDiffusion (expression
element) 576
shadows (3D) 175, 178
shaky footage, stabilizing 342
shape groups 315, 317
shape layers 314, 318
adding attributes 328
creating 318, 320, 321
duplicating 328
modifying 323
replicating 333
selecting 325
strokes and fills 328
Sharpen effect 380
Shatter effect 508
Shift Channels effect 387
shininess (expression element) 573
shortcuts, keyboard. See keyboard
Show Layer Controls 173
showing and hiding
axes (layer controls) 173
expressions 552
layers 149
safe zones and grids 131
shutterAngle (expression
element) 568
shutterPhase (expression
element) 568
shy layers 150
sidecar files 104, 105
silhouette blending modes 166
Simple Choker effect 451
Simulation effects
Card Dance effect 488
Caustics effect 490
Foam effect 492
Particle Playground effect 496
Shatter effect 509
Wave World effect 514
single frame, rendering and
exporting 607
Single-line Composer 285
slip edit 142
slow motion. See time-stretching and
Smart Blur effect 380
Smart Mask Interpolation 265
Smear effect 415
smooth (expression element) 578
smooth points 313, 323
Smoother, The 202
smoothing motion 217
SMPTE timecode 132
snapshots 125
activation 1
downloads 10
registration 1
Solid Composite effect 387
solid-color layers 136
solo layers 149
Soundbooth. See Adobe Soundbooth
source (expression element) 569
source footage
See also individual formats.
supported formats for import 48
Source Text property 273, 553
spacebar play 120
spatial interpolation and motion
paths 204
spatial properties 152
specular (expression element) 573
about 213
easing 217
gradual starts and stops 215
graphs 210
motion paths 210
speed (expression element) 577
Speed property, conversion in After
Effects 67
speedAtTime (expression
element) 577
Spherize effect 416
Spill Suppressor effect 449, 450
Split tone 99
splitting layers 146
Spread (Brainstorm) 160
spreading mattes 451
spreadsheets 192
square pixels 57
stabilizing motion 342
stacking order 115, 138
standard preview 120
Starch controls, Puppet 232
startTime (expression element) 570
stencil blending modes 166
Stereo Mixer effect 375
Stereo Mixer effect, conversion in
Adobe Premiere Pro 66
still images
changing duration 141
formats for export 588
preparing and importing 80
stopwatch 184
storage 38
straight channels 53, 253
stretching a layer in time 219
Strobe Light effect 523
Stroke effect 437
Stroke layer style 169
strokes 328
See alsopaint strokes
Stylize effects
Brush Strokes effect 517
Color Emboss effect 518
Emboss effect 518
Find Edges effect 519
Glow effect 519
Mosaic effect 520
Motion Tile effect 520
Roughen Edges effect 521