Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 27

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User Guide


Disable Thumbnails In Project Panel: “Work with composition thumbnail images” on page 111

Auto-zoom When Resolution Changes: “Resolution” on page 128

Show Rendering Progress In Info Panel & Flowchart: “Preview video and audio” on page 120

Hardware Accelerate Composition, Layer, And Footage Panels: “Improve performance” on page 41


Still Footage: “Create layers from footage items” on page 135

Sequence Footage: “Import a single still image or a still-image sequence” on page 81

Interpret Unlabeled Alpha As: “Specify alpha channel interpretation” on page 52

Default Drag Import As: “Import footage items” on page 50


Overflow Volumes, Segment Sequences At, Segment Movie Files At, and Audio Block Duration: “Overflow
volumes and segment settings” on page 629

Grids & Guides

Safe Margins: “Work with safe zones, grids, guides, and rulers” on page 130

Label Colors and Label Defaults

Label Colors and Label Defaults: “Work with color labels” on page 149

Memory & Cache

Maximum Memory Usage, Maximum RAM Cache Size, Enable Disk Cache, and Maximum Disk Cache Size:
“Memory & Cache preferences” on page 39

Conformed Media Cache and Clean Database & Cache: “Work with the media cache” on page 67

Prevent DLL Address Space Fragmentation (Windows only): “Memory & Cache preferences” on page 39

Video Previews

Output Device, Output Mode, Output Quality, Output During, and Scale And Letterbox Output To Fit Video
Monitor: “Preview on an external video monitor” on page 126

User Interface Colors

Cycle Mask Colors: “Control mask path color” on page 260

User Interface Brightness: “Brighten or darken the interface” on page 18


Automatically Save Projects and Maximum Project Versions: “Save and back up projects” on page 24


Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously: “Render multiple frames simultaneously” on page 40

Audio Hardware and Audio Output Mapping

Audio Hardware and Audio Output Mapping: “Preview video and audio” on page 120