Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 628

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User Guide


This example command tells After Effects to render frames 1 through 10 of Composition_1 in project_1.aep to a
numbered sequence of Photoshop files using a multi-machine render:

aerender -project c:\projects\project_1.aep -comp "Composition_1" -s 1 -e 10

-RStemplate "Multi-Machine Settings" -OMtemplate "Multi-Machine Sequence"

-output c:\output\project_1\frames[####].psd

To render just Composition_1 to a specified file, enter this command:

aerender -project c:\projects\project_1.aep -comp "Composition_1" -output c


To render everything in the render queue with current settings in the project file, enter this command:

aerender -project c:\projects\project_1.aep




Print usage message.


Display the version number of aerender to the console. Does not render.

–v verbose_flag


specifies the type of messages reported:


: Reports only fatal and problem errors.


: (default) Reports errors and progress of



Reuse the currently running instance of After Effects (if found) to perform the
render. When an already running instance is used, aerender saves preferences
to disk when rendering has completed, but does not quit After Effects. If this
argument is not used, aerender starts a new instance of After Effects, even if
one is already running. It quits that instance when rendering has completed,
and does not save preferences.





specifies the maximum percentage of memory

used to cache already rendered images and footage.


specifies the total percentage of memory that can be used by After Effects.
For both values, if installed RAM is less than a given amount (n gigabytes), the
value is a percentage of the installed RAM, and is otherwise a percentage of
n. The value of n is 2 GB for 32-bit Windows, 4 GB for 64-bit Windows, and 3.5
GB for Mac OS.

–project project_path


is a file path or URI specifying a project file to open. If this

argument is not used, aerender works with the currently open project. If no
project is specified and no project is open, the result is an error.

–comp comp_name


specifies a composition to be rendered. If the composition is in

the render queue already, then the first instance of that composition in the
render queue is rendered. If the composition is in the project but not in the
render queue, then it is added to the render queue and rendered. If this argu-
ment is not used, aerender renders the entire render queue; in this case, only










, and



ments are used, and all other arguments are ignored.

–s start_frame


is the first frame to render. If this argument is not used,

aerender uses the start frame in the file.

–e end_frame


is the last frame to render. If this argument is not provided,

aerender uses the end frame in the file.