Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 663

background image


aerender 622

aeselflink 40

After Effects. See Adobe After Effects


layers 140

text 283, 294

alpha channels

about 252

copying channels to 386

creating masks from 256

interpretation methods 52

matted and unmatted 253

matted with color 385

premultiplied and straight 253

track mattes and 263

viewing 129

Alpha Levels effect 381

alpha matte 440

ambient (expression element) 573

analog film 68

analog video 68

Anamorphic 2:1 setting 57

anchor points

layer 154

text layers 292

anchorPoint (expression

element) 571

angles, conversion 566

animated GIF 36


3D rotation 173

about 183

anchor point 154

deformation 226

with expressions 547

paint strokes 310

paths 325

scale 155

text 285

text, examples 295, 296, 297, 298,

299, 300, 301

animation presets

about 347

expressions 548

saving 353

text 285

animator groups, text 286

anti-aliasing 151

aperture (expression element) 575

aperture, camera setting 178

Arithmetic effect 381

arrays (expressions) 556

Asian text. See CJK text

aspect ratio 55

frame 55

pixel 55, 57

attach point 335

attributes (expressions) 556

Audiences encoding settings 616


changing pitch 224

conforming 67

displaying spectrum 421

editing in Adobe Audition 76

editing in Adobe Soundbooth 76

layers 157

output options 601

previewing 122

reversing 371

Audio effects

Backwards effect 371

Bass & Treble effect 372

Delay effect 372

Flange & Chorus effect 372

High-Low Pass effect 373

Modulator effect 373

Parametric EQ effect 374

Reverb effect 374

Stereo Mixer effect 375

Tone effect 375

Audio Spectrum effect 421

audio tracks

conversion in After Effects 67

audio transitions

conversion in After Effects 67

audio volume 157

conversion in Adobe Premiere

Pro 66

Audio Waveform effect 423

audioActive (expression

element) 571

audioLevels (expression

element) 571

Audition. See Adobe Audition

Auto Bezier interpolation 207

Auto Color effect 388

Auto Contrast effect 388

Auto Levels effect 389


post-render actions 602

rendering 622

scripts 45

Auto-Orient options 146

Auto-trace command 256

Avid formats

output 622

AVR codec options 622


background color 111

Backwards effect 371

baking Maya data 79

baseline 274

baseline shift 281

Basic 3D effect 483

Basic Fill effect. See Paint Bucket


Basic Text effect 524

Bass & Treble effect 372

batch scripts 622

Beam effect 423

behaviors 347, 548

Best layer quality 150

Bevel Alpha effect 484

Bevel And Emboss layer style 169

Bevel Edges effect 484

Bezier paths 321

Bezier Warp effect 404

bgColor (expression element) 568

bit depth, color 234

bit rate 614, 619

bitmap images 312

bits per channel (bpc) 234

Blend effect 382

blending modes

about 163

Calculations effect 383

Checkerboard effect 426

Circle effect and 426

Color Link effect 393

with Eyedropper Fill effect 426

4-Color Gradient effect 419

Fractal Noise 463

Lightning effect 431

Magnify effect and 409

for overlapping text 282

Paint Bucket effect and 432