Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 343

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User Guide


Attach point offset from feature region

5. Adjust the feature region, search region, and tracking options

Place each feature region control tightly around its tracked feature, completely enclosing the tracked feature, but
including as little of the surrounding image as possible.

The size and position of the search region depend on the movement of the feature you want to track. The search
region must accommodate the movement of the tracked feature, but only the frame-to-frame movement, not its
movement throughout the shot. As After Effects locates the tracked feature in a frame, both the feature region and
search region move to the new location. Therefore, if the frame-to-frame movement of the tracked feature is gradual,
then the search region needs to be only slightly larger than the feature region. If the feature changes position and
direction quickly, then the search region needs to be big enough to encompass the largest position and direction
change in any pair of frames.

You can also set tracking options that determine such things as which color channels are compared to find a match
to the feature region.

6. Analyze

You perform the actual motion tracking step by clicking one of the Analyze buttons in the Tracker Controls panel.
When tracking a tricky set of features, you may want to analyze a frame at a time.

7. Repeat as necessary

Because of the changing nature of an image in motion, automatic tracking is rarely perfect. In moving footage, the
shape of a feature changes, along with the lighting and surrounding objects. Even with careful preparation, a feature
generally changes during a shot and at some point no longer matches the original feature. If the change is too great,
After Effects may not be able to track the feature, and the track point will wander or drift.

When the analysis begins to fail, return to the frame where tracking was still accurate and repeat steps 5 and 6 above:
adjust and analyze.

8. Apply tracking data

If you’re using any Track Type setting other than Raw, you apply tracking data by clicking Apply, after making sure
that the correct target is shown for Motion Target. You apply tracking data from a Raw tracking operation by copying
keyframes from the trackers to other properties or by linking properties with expressions.

You can also adjust the Attach Point or Attach Point Offset property after tracking in the Timeline panel, which can
be useful when applying the same tracking data to multiple targets that you want to distribute around the tracked