Minimax effect, Remove color matting effect – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

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background image


User Guide


This effect works with 8-bpc and 16-bpc color.

Original (left), and with effect applied (right)


Which channel or channels to invert. Each group of items operates in a particular color space, inverting

either the entire image in that color space or just a single channel.


RGB inverts all three of the additive color channels. Red, Green, and Blue each invert an

individual color channel.


HLS inverts all three of the calculated color channels. Hue, Lightness, and

Saturation each invert an individual color channel.

YIQ/Luminance/In Phase Chrominance/Quadrature Chrominance

YIQ inverts all three NTSC luminance and

chrominance channels. Y (luminance), I (in-phase chrominance), and Q (quadrature chrominance) each invert an
individual channel.


Inverts the alpha channel of the image. The alpha channel isn’t a color channel; it specifies transparency.

Blend With Original

The effect’s transparency. The result of the effect is blended with the original image, with the

effect result composited on top. The higher you set this value, the less the effect affects the layer. For example, if you
set this value to 100%, the effect has no visible result on the layer; if you set this value to 0%, the original image doesn’t
show through.

Minimax effect

The Minimax effect assigns each channel of a pixel the minimum or maximum value for that channel found within
a specified radius.

This effect can be used to enlarge or reduce a matte. For example, a white solid area surrounded by black shrinks one
pixel on each side using Minimum and a radius of 1.

The layer’s quality setting doesn’t affect Minimax.

This effect works with 8-bpc and 16-bpc color.


Minimum assigns each channel of a pixel the minimum value for the specified channel within the

specified radius. Maximum assigns each channel of a pixel the maximum value. Minimum Then Maximum
performs the Minimum operation and then the Maximum operation. Maximum Then Minimum performs the
Maximum operation and then the Minimum operation.


The axis along which to scan for values. Horizontal & Vertical scans all directions.

Remove Color Matting effect

The Remove Color Matting effect removes color fringes (halos) from layers with premultiplied color channels. Halos
often occur when an area of partial transparency retains the color of the original background and is composited into
a context with a different background color. Use this effect in conjunction with effects that create transparency—
such as keying effects—to achieve more control over the appearance of areas of partial transparency.