Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 671

background image


Mirror effect 410

mixing audio 375

mobile devices

setup 30

Modulator effect 373


profiling 243

Monochrome control, Channel

Mixer effect 392

Mosaic effect 520

motion blur 200, 267

motion paths

auto-orientation 146

changing speed numerically 216

creating 197

creating from masks 199

Motion Sketch 199

smoothing 202

spatial interpolation and 204

speed 210

Motion Sketch 199

Motion Tile effect 520

motion tracking

about 335

applying to another layer 345

attach point 335

correcting drift 345

feature region 335

search region 335

stabilizing motion 342

track points 335, 343

tracking data 341

tracking rotation 342

tracking scale 342

workflow 336

Motion values, conversion in After

Effects 67

motion-picture film 69, 606

Move All Attributes Into The New

Composition option 114

movies, making from

compositions 590

MPEG formats

about 613

multiplexer preset options 617

presets 613

MPEG indexing 67

mul (expression element) 562

multiple monitors 17

multiplexing 617

multiprocessing 40

mutation 160

MXF 49

importing 74


name (expression element) 568, 569,



footage files 37

project files 37

navigation shortcuts, in Adobe

Help 4

nearestKey (expression element) 567,

572, 579

nested compositions

3D layers 116

about 113

prerendering 114

network rendering 625, 626, 627, 628


in camera raw images 103

Noise & Grain effects

Add Grain effect 459

Dust & Scratches effect 460

Fractal Noise effect 461

Match Grain effect 464

Median effect 466

Noise Alpha effect 466

Noise effect 466

Noise HLS Auto effect 468

Noise HLS effect 467

Remove Grain effect 468

noise (expression element) 565

Noise Alpha effect 466

Noise effect 466

Noise HLS Auto effect 467

Noise HLS effect 467

noise sampling, grain effects 456, 464

non-drop-frame timecode 132

noninterlaced video 70

normalize (expression element) 563

NTSC to PAL 630

null objects

about 159

using with Expression Controls

effects 555

Numbers effect 525

numKeys (expression element) 568,

572, 579

numLayers (expression element) 568


offline compositions 611

Offset effect 410

offset, keyframe-looping

argument 578

OMF (Open Media Framework)


importing 75

rendering and exporting 622

online resources 7

opacity (expression element) 571

Opacity values, conversion in After

Effects 67

OpenGL 125, 593

OpenType fonts 278

operating system considerations 36

optical kerning 280

Optics Compensation effect 410

Orbit Camera tool 180

orientation (expression element) 572

orthogonal views 127

Out point 141

Outer Glow layer style 169

out-of-memory alert 38

outPoint (expression element) 570

output color profiles 246

output module settings 599

overflow volumes 629

Overlap controls, Puppet 231

overscan 130


P2 media

importing 74

Paint Bucket effect 431

Paint effect 471

paint operations, shape layers 314,


Paint panel 302

paint strokes 302, 310

paint tools 302

PAL to NTSC 630

Pan Behind tool 154, 267

Panasonic P2 49