Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual
Page 39
User Guide
Exporting Flash video (FLV) from After Effects
When you render finished video from After Effects, select FLV as the output format in the Render Queue panel to
export directly to the Flash Video (FLV) format. You can specify size, compression, and other output options. Any
After Effects markers are added to the FLV file as cue points.
You can then import the FLV file into Flash and publish it in a SWF file, which can be played by Flash Player.
Importing and publishing video in Flash
When you import a FLV file into Flash, you can use various techniques, such as scripting or Flash components, to
control the visual interface that surrounds your video. For example, you might include playback controls or other
graphics. You can also add graphic layers on top of the FLV file for composite effects.
Composite graphics, animation, and video
Flash and After Effects each include many capabilities that allow you to perform complex compositing of video and
graphics. Which application you choose to use will depend on your personal preferences and the type of final output
you want to create.
Flash is the more web-oriented of the two applications, with its small final file size. Flash also allows for runtime
control of animation. After Effects is oriented towards video and film production, provides a wide range of visual
effects, and is generally used to create video files as final output.
Both applications can be used to create original graphics and animation. Both use a timeline and offer scripting
capabilities for controlling animation programmatically. After Effects includes a larger set of effects, while the Flash
ActionScript™ language is the more robust of the two scripting environments.
Both applications allow you to place graphics on separate layers for compositing. These layers can be turned on and
off as needed. Both also allow you to apply effects to the contents of individual layers.
In Flash, composites do not affect the video content directly; they affect only the appearance of the video during
playback in Flash Player. In contrast, when you composite with imported video in After Effects, the video file you
export actually incorporates the composited graphics and effects.
Because all drawing and painting in After Effects is done on layers separate from any imported video, it is always
non-destructive. Flash has both destructive and non-destructive drawing modes.
Exporting After Effects content for use in Flash
You can export After Effects content for use in Flash. You can export a SWF file that can be played immediately in
Flash Player or used as part of another Flash project. When you export content from After Effects in SWF format,
the some of the content may be flattened and rasterized in the SWF file.
Importing Flash SWF files into After Effects
Flash has a unique set of vector art tools that make it useful for a variety of drawing not possible in After Effects or
Adobe Illustrator®. You can import SWF files into After Effects to composite them with other video or render them
as video with additional creative effects. When After Effects imports a SWF file, its internal keyframes are preserved
so that you can continue to use them for timing other effects.
Each SWF file imported into After Effects is flattened into a single continuously rasterized layer, with its alpha
channel preserved. Continuous rasterization means that graphics stay sharp as they are scaled up. This import
method allows you to use the root layer or object of your SWF files as a smoothly rendered element in After Effects,
allowing the best capabilities of each tool to work together.