16-bpc color 234
24Pa pulldown 72
3:2 pulldown
adding 633
removing 72
32-bpc color 234
3D Channel effects
3D Channel Extract effect 368
about 367
Depth Matte effect 368
Depth Of Field effect 369
Fog 3D effect 370
ID Matte effect 371
3D files, importing 77, 78, 79
Photoshop and Illustrator 78
Vanishing Point exchange 78
3D Glasses effect 481
3D layers
about 171
auto-orientation 146
axes 173
axis modes 174
effects and masks 175
expression elements 572
nesting 116, 175
render order 116, 175
text 293
views 127
3D properties 171
3D text properties 293
3D views 127
4-Color Gradient effect 419
8-bpc color 234
AAF (Advanced Authoring
Format) 75
acceptsLights (expression
element) 573
acceptsShadows (expression
element) 573
of Help 4
action-safe zone 130
activation of software 1
active (expression element) 570, 575,
activeCamera (expression
element) 568
Adaptive Resolution preview
mode 125
add (expression element) 562
Add Grain effect 455, 457, 459
Add Vertex command 323
adjusting exposure 129
adjustment layers
about 136
lights 178
Adobe After Effects
conversion of layers in Adobe
Premiere Pro 65
integration with Adobe Bridge 28
integration with Adobe Encore 35
integration with Adobe Premiere
Pro 35
integration with Flash 33
integration with Photoshop 32
testing mobile content created
in 618
Adobe Audition 76
Adobe Bridge 28
Adobe Design Center 9
Adobe Dynamic Link
about 609
and color spaces 610
deleting links 611
editing linked compositions 611
Import After Effects Composition
command 610
Link Media command 612
linking to compositions 610
managing performance 609
New After Effects Composition
command 610
offline compositions 611
relinking compositions 612
Save As command, behavior 609
saving projects 609
suppressing linked clips in Adobe
Premiere Pro 612
unlinking compositions 612
Adobe Encore
chapter markers 118
creating buttons in After Effects 35
Adobe Fireworks
copying paths 324
Adobe Flash
integration with After Effects 33
Adobe Help 2
Adobe Illustrator
continuous rasterization 151
copying paths 85, 324
preparing and importing files 85
text from 273
Adobe InDesign
text from 273
Adobe Media Encoder 612
about 613
Audio options 615
command 613
Filters options 614
Video options 614
Adobe Photoshop
3D files 78
copying paths 324
creating new files 137
integration with After Effects 32
layer styles 168
preparing and importing files 83
rendering a frame to 607
text from 273
transparency 83
Adobe Premiere 6.0 and 6.5 35
Adobe Premiere Pro
capture 64
conversion of assets in After
Effects 66
exporting projects to 608
projects, importing 64
working with After Effects 35
Adobe Soundbooth
using in After Effects 76
Adobe Video Workshop 5
Advanced 3D rendering plug-in 181
Advanced composition settings 110
Advanced Lightning effect 420