Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 669

background image


inPoint (expression element) 570

input color profiles 245

installation 1

intensity (expression element) 575

inter-character blending 282

interlaced video 70, 71

International Press

Telecommunications Council.


about 204

acceleration 213

applying and changing 208

expressions 565

motion paths 204

Smart Mask Interpolation 265

types 207

Interpolation methods

(expressions) 565

interpretation rules 52

interpreting footage items

about 51

alpha channel 52

field order 72

frame rate 83

separating fields 71

invert (expression element) 576

Invert effect 384

IPTC 105

Iris Wipe effect 540

ITPC 105


JavaScript, as expression

language 556

justifying text 284


kerning 280

key (expression element) 567, 572,


keyboard shortcuts 20

3D 650

animation presets 645

compositions 642

effects 645

exporting 656

footage 644

general 638

in Help 4

keyframe 650

layers 646

markers 655, 656

masks 653

paint 654

preferences 639

previews 642

projects 639

properties, modifying 648

properties, showing 647

rendering 656

saving 656

shape layers 655

text 651

time navigation 643

tools 641

views 644

workspaces 639

Keyframe Interpolation

command 217

keyframe menu 189

keyframe navigator 188

Keyframe Velocity dialog box 216

keyframe-looping methods 578


about 183

adding to a motion path 198

controlling speed between 212

copying and pasting 191

creating from expressions 555

deleting 190

editing with spreadsheets 192

expression elements 580

influence 215

modifying multiple 195

moving 193

roving 216

smoothing 202

time-stretching 218

value graph 191

values 195

keying 253

color 269

difference 443

effects 268

for a single frame 269

Keylight 268

linear keys 447

matte tools 269

removing traces of key color 449

static background 443

Ultra 268

Keying effects

Color Difference Key effect 440

Color Key effect 442

Color Range effect 442

Difference Matte effect 443

Extract effect 445

Inner/Outer Key effect 446

Linear Color Key effect 447

Luma Key effect 448

Spill Suppressor effect 449

Keylight effect 268


about 253

kumimoji text 282


layer (expression element) 567

layer bar mode 184

layer expression elements 569, 570,


layer modes. See blending modes

layer outline 152

layer properties

about 152

animating 184

expression elements 571

layer stacking order 115

layer styles 168, 169, 170


about 133

adjustment layers 136

Adobe Photoshop files 137

aligning and distributing 140

animating 183

child 158

color labels 149

copying and pasting 145

creating 135

creating from Adobe Premiere

Pro 65

guide 159

image quality 150

locking and unlocking 149

parent 158

placing in time 143

renaming 147