Change time display units – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual
Page 136

User Guide
Composition panel’s zones and grids
A. Grid B. Title-safe zone C. Action-safe zone D. Overscan
To change the portion of the composition marked as title-safe or action-safe, as well as other options for grids and
guides, choose Edit > Preferences > Grids & Guides (Windows) or After Effects > Preferences > Grids & Guides
(Mac OS).
To show or hide safe zones, grids, guides, or rulers, click the Grid And Guides Options button
and choose the
appropriate menu item, or use a menu command or keyboard shortcut in the View menu.
To toggle between showing and hiding the safe zones, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Grid
And Guide Options button.
To make layer edges and mask edges snap to grids or guides, choose View > Snap To Grid or View > Snap To
To create a guide line, drag from either ruler.
To delete a guide line, drag it to a ruler using the Selection tool.
To delete all guide lines, choose View > Clear Guides.
To move a guide line, drag it using the Selection tool.
To lock or unlock guides, choose View > Lock Guides. Locking a guide prevents it from being accidentally moved.
To set the zero point for the rulers, drag the crosshair from the intersection of the two rulers (in the upper-left
corner) into the image area. Reset the zero point by double-clicking the intersection of the rulers.
Dragging the zero point crosshair
See also
“Shortcuts for using and modifying views” on page 644
Change time display units
Many quantities in After Effects are either points in time or spans of time, including current time, layer In and Out
points, and durations of layers, footage items, and compositions.