Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 601

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User Guide


Click the triangle to open the Output To menu, or click the underlined text to enter a destination.

Specify the file name and location for a single render item

To manually enter a file name and destination folder, click the underlined text next to the Output To heading.

To name a file using a file naming template, click the triangle next to the Output To heading, and choose a template
from the menu.

Change the destination for multiple queued render items


In the Render Queue panel, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) multiple queued render items to

select them.


Click the underlined file name next to Output To for any item.


Choose the folder in which you want to place the rendered files. The destinations for all selected items change to

the new destination folder.

Create and use a custom file naming template

You can use custom templates to name the output according to properties of the composition and project.

To make a file naming template the default template, hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you
choose the template from the Output To menu.


In the Render Queue panel, choose Custom from the Output To menu.


If you want to base the new file naming template on an existing template, choose the existing template from the

Preset menu.


Click in the Template box where you want to insert a file naming rule, and do any of the following:

To add a preset property to the file name, choose the property from the Add Property menu.

Type text in the Template box.

Note: Make sure that the insertion point is outside the square brackets ([ ]) of preset properties.


Do any of the following:

To save the file naming template as a preset for future use in the Output To menu, click the Save button

. In the

Choose Name dialog box, enter a name for the file naming template, and click OK.

To always use the selected file naming template, select Default.

To apply the selected file naming template to the current Output Module, click OK.