Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 670

background image


rotating 157

selecting 138

sequencing 144

solid-color 136

splitting 146

stacking and render order 138

trimming and extending 141

layer-time markers, conversion in

Adobe Premiere Pro 66

leading 279, 282

Leave All Attributes In option 114

Leave Color effect 399

length (expression element) 563

Lens Blur effect 378

Lens Flare effect 429

Levels (Individual Controls)

effect 400

Levels effect 399

levels, adjusting with Auto Levels

effect 389

Lightning effect 430

lights (3D) 178, 179

lights, expression elements 575

lightTransmission (expression

element) 573

Line Anchor animator 297

linear (expression element) 565, 584

linear blending 239, 244

Linear Color Key effect 447

linear keys 447

Linear Wipe effect 541

links, web 118

lip-synching 220

Liquify effect 406

Live Update preview mode 124

LiveDocs 2

Local Axis mode 174


layers 149

masks 259

lookAt (expression element) 563

loopIn (expression element) 578

loopInDuration (expression

element) 579


footage items 63

Fractal Noise effect 463

previews 122

loopOut (expression element) 578

loopOutDuration (expression

element) 579

lower-field first field order 72

luma expansion 250

Luma Key effect 448

luminance keying. See keying


Magnify effect 408

magnifying. See zooming

Make Movie command 590

manual preview 123

margins, safe-zone 130

marker (expression element) 567

MarkerKey (expression element) 581


about 116

chapter links 118

composition 117

cue points 118

layer 118

synchronizing to audio 119

mask (expression element) 569

Mask Expansion property 262

Mask Path property 576

maskExpansion (expression

element) 576

maskFeather (expression

element) 576

maskOpacity (expression

element) 576


3D layers 175

about 253

adjusting and expanding edges 262

applying effects to 254

color 260

creating 318, 320, 321

creating motion paths from 199

deleting 259

expression elements 576

feathering 262

locking and unlocking 259

modes, blending 260

modifying 323

motion blur 267

moving 267

Pan Behind tool 267

saving and reusing 259

selecting 258

using with grain effects 453

viewing 257

masks, conversion in Adobe

Premiere Pro 66

masks, creating

about 254

from channels 256

from motion paths 255

Match Grain effect 455, 457, 458, 460,


material options (3D) 181

math, expressions 566

Matte Choker effect 271, 450

Matte effects

Matte Choker effect 450

Simple Choker effect 451

matted alpha channels 253

matted channels 53


about 253

closing holes 271

refining 269

removing 385

spreading and choking 450, 451

track and traveling 263

using with grain effects 453, 454

mattes, conversion in Adobe

Premiere Pro 66

Maya format

importing 77, 79

media cache 67

Media Encoder. See Adobe Media


media player setup 30

Median effect 466

Memory & Cache preferences 39

memory requirements 37

memory, caches 39

menus 19

Merge Paths 333

Mesh Warp effect 409

mesh, Puppet 231


about 618

in MPEG-2 files 613

metal (expression element) 573

methods (expressions) 556

Metrics kerning 281

Microsoft RLE compression 621

Minimax effect 385