Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 665

background image


clamp (expression element) 563

clip markers, conversion in After

Effects 67

Clip Notes 635, 636

Clone Stamp tool 302, 307

See also paint tools


about 618

Collapse Transformations switch 115

Collect Files command 594, 627

color (expression element) 575

Color Balance (HLS) effect 392

Color Balance effect 392

Color Conversion methods

(expressions) 566

color correction 238

Color Correction effects

Auto Color effect 389

Auto Contrast effect 388

Auto Levels effect 389

Brightness & Contrast effect 389

Broadcast Colors effect 390

Change Color effect 390

Change To Color effect 391

Channel Mixer effect 392

Color Balance (HLS) effect 392

Color Balance effect 392

Color Link effect 392

Color Stabilizer effect 393

Colorama effect 393

common controls 389

Curves effect 396

Exposure effect 397

Gamma/Pedestal/Gain effect 398

Hue/Saturation effect 398

Leave Color effect 399

Levels (Individual Controls)

effect 400

Levels effect 399

Photo Filter effect 400

PS Arbitrary Map effect 401

Shadow/Highlight effect 402

Tint effect 403

Tritone effect 403

color depth 234

Color Difference Key effect 440

Color Emboss effect 518

Color Finesse 238, 250

Color Key effect 442

color keying. See keying

Color Link effect 392

color management

about 241

camera raw 245

color profiles 242

enabling 243

input color profile 245

linear working space 244

monitor profile 247

output color profile 246

simulation profile 248

working color space 243

color models 238

Color Overlay layer style 169

Color Picker 237

Color Picker effect. See Eyedropper

Fill effect

Color Profile Converter effect 543

color profiles

about 242

embedded 245

embedding 246

input 245

monitor 243, 247

output 246

simulation 248

Color Range effect 442, 443

color spaces 238

Color Stabilizer effect 393

Colorama effect 393

colorDepth (expression element) 561

Colorize control, Hue/Saturation

effect 398

columns 18

command line 622

comment (expression element) 581

comments, Clip Notes 635, 636

comp (expression element) 560

Comp Camera attribute 349

Comp expression elements 567


about 252

composition method for text 285

Composition panel

about 107

background color 111

composition settings 30, 110


creating 108

importing layered files as 83

offline, with Adobe Dynamic

Link 612

resolution 128

thumbnail images 111

Compound Arithmetic effect 384

Compound Blur effect 376


about 618

Adobe Media Encoder 612

QuickTime 620

Video for Windows 621

compressor/decompressor. See


coneAngle (expression element) 575

coneFeather (expression

element) 575

conforming audio 67

Consolidate All Footage

command 60

Constant Bit Rate. See CBR encoding

continue, keyframe looping

argument 578

Continuous Bezier interpolation 207

continuous rasterization 115, 151

conversion, angles 566

Convert Audio To Keyframes

keyframe assistant 203

Convert Expression To Keyframes

keyframe assistant 555

Convert To Paragraph Text

command 276

Convert To Point Text command 276

Convert Vertex tool 323

converting movies 630

copying and pasting

between Adobe Premiere Pro and

After Effects 65

Corner Pin effect 405

corner points 313, 323

Create Layers At Composition Start

Time preference 134

Create Outlines command 320

Crop effect

conversion in After Effects 67

cropping movies 631

cross (expression element) 563

cross-platform projects 36, 63