Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 427

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User Guide


Original (top left), and with effect applied (bottom left and right)

Audio Layer

The audio layer you want to use as input.

Start Point, End Point

Specifies the position at which the spectrum starts or ends if Path is set to None.


The audio spectrum is displayed along the path of the layer, unless None is chosen.

Use Polar Path

The path starts from a single point and appears as a radial graph.

Start Frequency, End Frequency

The lowest and highest frequencies, in hertz, to display.

Frequency Bands

The number of frequency bands into which to divide displayed frequencies.

Maximum Height

Maximum height, in pixels, of a displayed frequency.

Audio Duration

Duration of audio, in milliseconds, used to calculate the spectrum.

Audio Offset

Time offset in milliseconds used to retrieve the audio.


Thickness of the bands.


How feathered or blurry the bands appear.

Inside Color, Outside Color

Inside and outside colors of the bands.

Blend Overlapping Colors

Specifies that overlapping spectrums are blended.

Hue Interpolation

If the value is greater than 0, the frequencies displayed rotate through the hue color space.

Dynamic Hue Phase

If selected, and the Hue Interpolation is greater than 0, the Start color shifts to the maximum

frequency in the range of displayed frequencies. This setting allows the hue to follow the fundamental frequency of
the spectrum displayed as it changes.

Color Symmetry

If selected, and the Hue Interpolation is greater than 0, the start and end colors are the same. This

setting allows color continuity on closed paths.

Display Options

Specifies whether to display frequency as Digital, Analog Lines, or Analog Dots.

Side Options

Specifies whether to display the spectrum above the path (Side A), below the path (Side B), or both

(Side A & B).

Duration Averaging

Specifies that audio frequencies are averaged to reduce randomness.

Composite On Original

If selected, displays the original layer with the effect.