Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 543

background image


User Guide


See also

“About randomness and random seeds” on page 354

“Common Lighting controls and Material controls” on page 486

Basic controls

Transition Width

The width of the area that actively changes from the original to the new image.

Back Layer

The layer that appears in segments on the backs of the cards. You can use any layer in the composition;

its Video switch

can even be turned off. If the layer has effects or masks, precompose the layer first.

Rows & Columns

Specifies the interaction of the numbers of rows and columns. Independent makes both the Rows

and Columns sliders active. Columns Follows Rows makes only the Rows slider active. If you choose this option, the
number of columns is always the same as the number of rows.


The number of rows, up to 1000.


The number of columns, up to 1000, unless Columns Follows Rows is selected.

Note: Rows and columns are always evenly distributed across a layer, so unusually shaped rectangular tiles don’t appear
along the edges of a layer, unless you’re using an alpha channel.

Card Scale

The size of the cards. A value smaller than 1 scales the cards down, revealing the underlying layer in the

gaps. A value greater than 1 scales the cards up, creating a blocky mosaic as they overlap each other.

Flip Axis

The axis around which each card flips.

Flip Direction

The direction in which the cards flip around their axes.

Flip Order

The direction in which the transition occurs. You can also use a gradient to define a custom flip order:

Cards flip first where the gradient is black and last where the gradient is white.

Gradient Layer

The gradient layer to use for the Flip Order. You can use any layer in the composition.

Timing Randomness

Randomizes the timing of the transition. If this control is set to 0, the cards flip in order. The

higher the value, the more random the order in which the cards flip.

Camera System

Whether to use the effect’s Camera Position properties, the effect’s Corner Pins properties, or the

default composition camera and light positions to render 3D images of the cards.

Camera Position controls

X Rotation, Y Rotation, Z Rotation

Rotate the camera around the corresponding axis. Use these controls to look at

the cards from the top, side, back, or any other angle.

X, Y Position

Where the camera is positioned in x,y space.

Z Position

Where the camera is positioned along the z axis. Smaller numbers move the camera closer to the cards,

and larger numbers move the camera away from the cards.

Focal Length

The zoom factor. Smaller numbers zoom in.

Transform Order

The order in which the camera rotates around its three axes, and whether the camera rotates before

or after it’s positioned using the other Camera Position controls.