Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 667

background image



about 587

After Effects project to Adobe

Premiere Pro 608

Clip Notes 634

output module settings 599

render queue 590, 591

supported formats 588

to film 606

using preset settings 612

using QuickTime components 592

Exposure effect 397

exposure, adjusting 129

Expression Controls effects 349, 555

expression field 552

Expression Language menu 549

Expression Sampler template

project 547

Expression selector 300, 301


about 547

animating at markers 585

animation presets 548

arrays 556

attributes 556

behaviors 548

converting to keyframes 555

copying 554

creating and modifying 549

disabling 550

error messages 548

examples 551, 582, 583, 584, 585,


examples with pick whip 582

examples, text animation 300, 301

global objects 560

indices 558

Interpolation methods 565

language 556

Mask Path property 576

math methods 566

methods 556

pick whip 550

random number methods 563

reference 559

saving 554

Source Text property 553

start or stop at specific time 585

time 559

time conversion 562

vectors 558

viewing 552

extending layers 141

extensions, filename 37

Extract effect 445

Extras 7

Eyedropper Fill effect 426

eyedropper tool 236, 441


Fast Blur effect 377

fast motion. See time-stretching

Fast Previews 124

favorites. See animation presets

feathering mask edges 262

feature region 335

Feet + Frames time display 132

field order 72, 634

field rendering 71, 599

field separation 71


in interlaced frames 70

file formats. See formats

file systems 36


conventions 37

for output 595

Fill effect 427

fill layers 263

fill rules 331

fills 328

film 30, 68

film size, camera setting 178

Filmstrip (FLM) format

guidelines for editing 608

filters. See effects

Find Edges effect 519

first vertex 325

Flange & Chorus effect 372

Flash (SWF)

rendering and exporting 603

Flash Video (FLV)

cue points 118

rendering and exporting 603

Flash. See Adobe Flash

flipping layers 156

FLM format

guidelines for editing 608

floating windows 14

Flowchart panel 24

FLV. See Flash Video (FLV)

Foam effect 491

focal length, camera setting 178

focal plane, specifying 369

focus distance, camera setting 177

focusDistance (expression

element) 575

Fog 3D effect 370


project hierarchy 36

Project panel 58

font installation 2

font size 278


editing source in original

application 60

preparing before importing 47

footage (expression element) 560,


footage items

about 47

Adobe Photoshop files 137

importing and interpreting 50

looping 63

managing 58

placeholders 61

proxies 61

replacing 47

Footage panel 59


See also individual formats

for export 588

for import 48

formatting text

characters 278

paragraphs 283

Fractal effect 427

Fractal Noise effect 461

frame aspect ratio 55

frame blending 225

Frame Hold, conversion in After

Effects 67

Frame Mix 225

frame rate 53, 83

frameDuration (expression

element) 568, 569


freezing 208, 222

in interlaced video 70