Color and dynamic link (production premium only) – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual
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User Guide
If you’re working with complex source compositions and experiencing playback delays, you can take the compo-
sition offline or disable a linked clip to temporarily stop referencing a dynamically linked composition, or render the
composition and replace the dynamically linked composition with the rendered file. If you commonly work with
complex source compositions, try adding RAM or using a faster processor.
Color and Dynamic Link (Production Premium only)
Adobe After Effects works in the RGB (red, green, blue) color space. Adobe Premiere Pro, however, works in the
YUV color space. When you work with a dynamically linked composition, Adobe Premiere Pro either converts it to
YUV or retains the RGB color space, depending on the output format.
Dynamically linked compositions are rendered in the color depth of the After Effects project (8-, 16-, or 32-bpc,
depending on project settings). Set the After Effects project color depth to 32-bpc if you’re working with HDR (high
dynamic range) assets.
In Adobe Premiere Pro, choose Project > Project Settings > Video Rendering, and select Maximum Bit Depth to have
Adobe Premiere Pro process at the highest possible quality. This option may slow processing.
Link to a new composition with Dynamic Link (Production Premium only)
When you link to a new composition from Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore, After Effects starts and creates a new
project and composition with the dimensions, pixel aspect ratio, frame rate, and audio sample rate of your Adobe
Premiere Pro or Encore project. (If After Effects is already running, it creates a new composition in the current
project.) The new composition name is based on the Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore project name, followed by
“Linked Comp [x].”
In Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Encore, choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > New After Effects Composition.
If the After Effects Save As dialog box appears, enter a name and location for the After Effects project, and click Save.
When you link to a new After Effects composition, the composition duration is set to 30 seconds. To change the
duration, select the composition in After Effects and choose Composition > Composition Settings. Click the Basic tab,
and specify a new value for Duration.
Link to an existing composition with Dynamic Link (Production Premium only)
For best results, composition settings (such as dimensions, pixel aspect ratio, frame rate, and audio sample rate)
should match those used in the Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Encore project.
Do one of the following:
In Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore, choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Import After Effects Composition.
Choose an After Effects project file (.aep), and then choose one or more compositions.
Drag one or more compositions from the After Effects Project panel to the Adobe Premiere Pro or the Encore
Project panel.
In Adobe Premiere Pro, choose File > Import. Choose an After Effects project file and click Open, and then choose
a composition in the Import Composition dialog box and click OK.
In Adobe Premiere Pro, drag an After Effects project file into the Project panel. If the After Effects project file
contains multiple compositions, Adobe Premiere Pro displays the Import Composition dialog box.
Note: You can link to a single After Effects composition multiple times in a single Adobe Premiere Pro project. In an
Adobe Encore project, however, you can link to an After Effects composition only once.