Convert audio to keyframes – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual
Page 208
User Guide
For Apply To, select the type of curve you want The Wiggler to change. If you selected keyframes for a property
that varies spatially, you can select Spatial Path to add deviations to the motion, or Temporal Graph to add deviations
to the velocity. If you selected keyframes for a property that does not vary spatially, you can select only Temporal
Select a Noise Type option to specify the type of deviation due to randomly distributed pixel values (noise):
Smooth Noise
Produces deviations that occur more gradually, without sudden changes.
Jagged Noise
Produces sudden changes.
Select the dimensions of the property you want to affect:
One Dimension
Adds deviations to only one dimension of the selected property. Choose the dimension from the
All Dimensions
Independently adds a different set of deviations to each dimension.
All Dimensions The Same
Adds the same set of deviations to all dimensions.
Set Frequency to specify how many deviations (keyframes) per second After Effects adds to the selected
keyframes. A low value produces only occasional deviations, while a high value produces more erratic results. A
value between 0 and 1 creates keyframes at intervals of less than one per second. For example, a value of 0.5 creates
one keyframe every 2 seconds.
Set Magnitude to specify the maximum size of the deviations. After Effects sets the specified magnitude to the
units of the selected property, so a value for one property may produce very different results in another property.
Click Apply and preview the results.
If necessary, choose Edit > Undo The Wiggler to reset the keyframes, adjust the values for Frequency and
Magnitude, and then reapply The Wiggler.
See also
“Select keyframes” on page 188
Convert audio to keyframes
The Convert Audio To Keyframes keyframe assistant analyzes audio amplitude within the work area and creates
keyframes for audio amplitude.
Select the Timeline panel, and then choose Animation > Keyframe Assistant > Convert Audio To Keyframes.
This keyframe assistant creates a new Audio Amplitude layer representing all audio sources in the composition, with
three Expression Controls effects with Slider properties that contain the keyframes: Left Channel, Right Channel,
and Both Channels.
To make use of the keyframes created by this keyframe assistant, you must link the changes in audio amplitude to
other layer properties. For example, use an expression to link the audio keyframes to the Scale property of a layer to
make the layer grow and shrink as the amplitude increases and decreases.
Aharon Rabinowitz provides a video tutorial that shows how to link the audio amplitude keyframes to other
properties, in this case the properties of the Wave Warp effect, to synchronize animation with sound:
The Trapcode Sound Keys effect also converts audio values to keyframes, but provides more control than the built-
in Convert Audio To Keyframes keyframe assistant: