Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

Page 589

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User Guide



Select the Bulge effect’s Bulge Center property in the Timeline panel and choose Animation > Add Expression, or

Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the property’s stopwatch



Select the default expression text and type the following:


Example: Fade a 3D layer’s opacity based on distance from camera

Apply the following expression to a 3D layer’s Opacity property:

startFade = 500; // Start fade 500 pixels from camera.

endFade = 1500; // End fade 1500 pixels from camera.

try{ // Check whether there's a camera.

C = thisComp.activeCamera.toWorld([0,0,0]);

}catch(err){ // No camera, so assume 50mm.

w = thisComp.width * thisComp.pixelAspect;

z = (w/2)/Math.tan(degreesToRadians(19.799));

C = [0,0,-z];


P = toWorld(anchorPoint);

d = length(C,P);


The fade starts at a distance of 500 pixels from the camera and is complete at 1500 pixels from the camera. The


interpolation method is used to map distance values to opacity values.

See also

“Add, edit, and remove expressions” on page 549

“Create a camera layer and change camera settings” on page 176

Example: Make a 3D layer invisible if facing away from camera

Apply the following expression to a 3D layer’s Opacity property:

if (toCompVec([0, 0, 1])[2] > 0 ) value else 0

See also

“Add, edit, and remove expressions” on page 549

“Create a camera layer and change camera settings” on page 176

Example: Flip layer horizontally if facing away from camera

Apply the following expression to a 3D layer’s Scale property:

if (toCompVec([0, 0, 1])[2] > 0 ) value else [-value[0], value[1], value[2]]

See also

“Add, edit, and remove expressions” on page 549

“Create a camera layer and change camera settings” on page 176