Simulation effects, Common lighting controls and material controls – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


Glass Edge

Creates a colored shadow based on the color and opacity of the layer. If the layer contains semitrans-

parent pixels, the shadow uses both the color and transparency of the layer. This option creates the appearance, for
example, of sun shining through stained glass.

The more transparent the pixels in the layer are, the closer the shadow color matches the colors of the layer. If the
layer contains no semitransparent pixels, Glass Edge has little result.

Note: Anti-aliased edges produce colors in a shadow edge when you choose Glass Edge, even if the layer is fully opaque.
The layer’s colors shine through these anti-aliased edges, and the Shadow Color fills the center of the shadow.

Color Influence

The fraction of the layer’s color values that appear in the shadow. At 100%, the shadow takes on the

color of any semitransparent pixels in the layer. If the layer contains no semitransparent pixels, Color Influence has
little result, and the Shadow Color value determines the shadow’s color. Decreasing the Color Influence value blends
the colors of the layer in the shadow with the Shadow Color. Increasing Color Influence reduces the influence of the
Shadow Color.

Shadow Only

Select to render only the shadow.

Resize Layer

Select to allow the shadow to extend beyond the layer’s original boundaries.

Simulation effects

Common Lighting controls and Material controls

Several of the Simulation effects have some common controls. The Card Wipe effect also shares many controls with
the Card Dance effect.

Lighting controls

Light Type

Specifies which type of light you want to use. Distant Source simulates sunlight and casts shadows in one

direction, where all the light rays strike the object from virtually the same angle. Point Source is similar to a light
bulb and casts shadows in all directions. First Comp Light uses the composition’s first light layer, which can use a
variety of settings.

Light Intensity

Specifies the power of the light. The higher the value, the brighter the layer. Other lighting settings

affect the overall light intensity as well.

Light Color

Specifies the color of light.

Light Position

Specifies the position of the light in x,y space. To position the light interactively, Alt-drag (Windows)

or Option-drag (Mac OS) the light’s effect point.

Light Depth

Specifies the position of the light in z space. Negative numbers move the light behind the layer.

Ambient Light

Distributes light over the layer. Increasing this value adds an even illumination to all objects and

prevents shadows from being totally black. Setting Ambient Light to pure white and setting all other light controls
to 0 makes the object fully lit and eliminates any 3D shading from the scene.

Material controls

The Material controls specify reflection values.

Diffuse Reflection

Gives objects form-defining shading. Shading depends on the angle at which the light strikes the

surface and is independent of the viewer’s position.