Compensate for lens vignetting in camera raw, Modifying images with camera raw, Rotate images with camera raw – Adobe After Effects CS3 User Manual
Page 106: Straighten images in camera raw, Crop selected images in camera raw

User Guide
unwanted effects, choose Highlight Edges to correct color fringing only in edges of highlighting, where fringing is
most likely to occur. Choose Off to turn off defringing.
Look at the preview image as you move each slider left or right. If you’re adjusting red/cyan color fringing, hold down
Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) to hide the blue/yellow color fringing. Similarly, hold down Alt (Windows) or
Option (Mac OS) while adjusting the blue/yellow color fringing to hide the red/cyan color fringing. The goal is to
reduce the color fringing as much as possible.
Compensate for lens vignetting in Camera Raw
Vignetting is a lens defect that causes the edges, especially the corners, of an image to be darker than the center. Use
controls in the Lens Vignetting section of the Lens Correction tab to compensate for vignetting.
Increase Amount to lighten the corners, or decrease Amount to darken them.
Decrease Midpoint to apply the adjustment to a larger area away from the corners, or increase Midpoint to restrict
the adjustment to an area closer to the corners.
Modifying images with Camera Raw
Rotate images with Camera Raw
Click the Rotate Image 90˚ Counterclockwise button
(or press L).
Click the Rotate Image 90˚ Clockwise button
(or press R).
Note: Using commands in the Edit menu, you can also rotate images in Adobe Bridge without opening the Camera Raw
dialog box.
Straighten images in Camera Raw
In the Camera Raw dialog box, select the Straighten tool
Drag the Straighten tool in the preview image to establish what’s horizontal or vertical.
Note: The Crop tool is active immediately after you use the Straighten tool.
Crop selected images in Camera Raw
In the Camera Raw dialog box, select the Crop tool
To constrain your initial crop area to a specific aspect ratio, hold the mouse button down as you select the Crop tool,
and choose an option from the menu. To apply a constraint to a previously applied crop, Ctrl-click (Mac OS) or right-
click (Windows) on the crop.
Drag in the preview image to draw the crop area box.
To move, scale, or rotate the crop area, drag the crop area or its handles.
When you are finished, the cropped area of the image remains visible, but is dimmed in the image preview.
Note: To cancel the crop operation, press Esc with the Crop tool active, or click and hold the Crop tool button and choose
Clear Crop from the menu. To cancel the crop and close the Camera Raw dialog box without processing the camera raw
image file, click the Cancel button or deselect the Crop tool and press Esc.