Changing matrix ip address, Changing matrix ip address -11, Figure 14-11 play icon to connect to matrix -11 – Clear-Com Eclipse-Omega User Manual

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Eclipse Configuration Software Instruction Manual

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media files. The ECS operator may configure other sound files if

Click to select one or all of the following categories of messages to
cause an audio alert from the ECS computer.

• Critical

• Warning

• Info

If no option is selected no event in this category of messages will
cause an audio alert.


It may be necessary to change the IP address of a matrix. The
sequence of steps to change the IP address of a matrix via the event
log is:
1. After starting ECS open the configuration created in “Initial

Configuration Sequence” on page 3-7.

2. Ensure that the PC is connected to the matrix via ethernet or a serial

link (see “Selecting Serial or Ethernet Connection” on page 3-3).

3. Open Matrix Event Log from the Diagnostics menu (see the chapter

“Using the Diagnostic Tools” for details on the Matrix Event Log).

Note: In order to display the diagnostics menu at least one matrix

must be configured using ‘System’ first.

4. Press 'Play' to connect to the matrix.

Figure 14-11: Play Icon to Connect to Matrix

5. When connection is established click on the 'Request Info' button

which will be displayed beside the ‘Play’ icon.

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