Figure 7-81 local advanced functions -70 – Clear-Com Eclipse-Omega User Manual
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Eclipse Configuration Software Instruction Manual
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The configured devices are displayed to form a grid with each square
displaying the attributes set for interactions between the devices as a
colored dot or empty if the attributes are not set. Tabs on the toolbar
allow the specific attributes to be selected. Positioning the mouse
pointer over a square will display a tooltip indicating the current status.
A key to the meaning of the colored dots that indicate status is shown
in the top left hand corner of the Local Advanced screen. The Sources
are listed down the left hand side and the Destinations are listed
across the top.
Figure 7-81: Local Advanced Functions
The type of source/destination is denoted by the color of the entry.
These are:
• Pink - Panel
• Yellow - Party Line
• Purple - Interface (Direct, FOR-22, Telephone, TEL-14, CCI-22)
• Blue - Fixed Group
• Green - Control
The tabs allow the grid to be displayed for the various properties of the
connections such as Forced Listen, Latch Disable etc. Selecting one
of the tabs will display a grid with sources and destinations which may
have this property and the status of any connection between them.
For example, selecting the ‘Blocked Listen’ tab will only display panels
and interfaces to which this property can apply. Where the property is