Stage 3 - copy the eclipseserverws file path, Stage 4 - create the iis virtual directory, Stage 5 - verify the directory has been created – Clear-Com Eclipse-Omega User Manual

Page 369: Stage 6 - verify has been registered

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Eclipse Configuration Software Instruction Manual

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Run the Mode Switcher application, found in Path>\ModeSwitcherApp.exe. Ensure that the Multi User Mode option
is selected.

Stage 3 - copy the EclipseServerWS file path

1. Log on to Windows on the server using an account that is a member

of the administrators group.

2. Start Windows Explorer.
3. Navigate to the location where ECS is installed.
4. Navigate to \web\EclipseServerWS.
5. Select the file path in the Address textbox at the top of the window,

right click it and select copy.

Stage 4 - create the IIS virtual directory

Note: If upgrading from an earlier version of ECS an

EclipseServer virtual directory may already exist. If this is
the case, it should be deleted.

1. Click the windows start button and select 'Control Panel'.
2. Double click 'Administrative Tools'.
3. Double click 'Internet Information Services'.
4. Expand the top branch (local computer).
5. Expand the 'Websites' branch.
6. Expand the 'Default Web Site' branch.
7. Select the 'Default Web Site' branch and right click it and choose

New | Virtual directory…

8. Click on Next.
9. Type EclipseServer in the Alias textbox and click Next.
10. Right click the Directory textbox and select paste (the file path

copied in STAGE 2 step 5 should appear) and click Next.

11. Ensure the first two checkboxes are ticked (Read and Run scripts)

and the following three checkboxes are not ticked (Execute, Write
and Browse).

12. Click Next.
13. Click Finish.

Stage 5 - Verify the directory has been created

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Enter 'http://localhost/EclipseServer' and press go.
3. Verify that the text 'Eclipse Server .Net 2.0' is displayed.

Stage 6 - Verify ASP.Net has been registered

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Enter 'http://localhost/EclipseServer/Command.asmx' and press go.
3. Verify that the text 'The following operations are supported. For a

formal definition, please review the Service Description' is displayed
at the top of the page. If this text is displayed ASP.Net is already

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