Fixed group attached controls, Fixed group basic settings, Fixed group attached controls -71 – Clear-Com Eclipse-Omega User Manual
Page 181: Fixed group basic settings -71, Figure 5-3 fixed group attach control screen -71
Eclipse Configuration Software Instruction Manual
5 - 7 1
Attachments can be attached to Fixed Groups that will allow a Route,
Relay or Speed Dial to be activated via a secondary action.
1. Open the Fixed Groups screen by selecting the ‘Fixed Groups’ link
on the Configuration menu.
2. Create a Fixed Group or select a Fixed Group that was been
previously created.
3. Expand the ‘Attached Control’ item in the ‘Properties’ window.
4. Select the ‘Secondary Action’ item in the ‘Attached Control’ list.
5. Select the drop down arrow and select the required control.
Figure 5-3: Fixed Group Attach Control Screen
The ‘Basic Settings’ list displays the fixed information about a group
and can be used to edit the group description, Talk and Listen Aliases
and Talk and Listen labels.
To enable/disable Basic Settings
1. Open the Fixed Groups screen by selecting the ‘Fixed Groups’ link
on the Configuration menu.
2. Create a Fixed Group or select a Fixed Group that was been
previously created.
3. Expand the ‘Basic Settings’ item in the ‘Properties’ window.