Windows vista & windows 7, Iis pool recycling, Iis pool recycling -5 – Clear-Com Eclipse-Omega User Manual

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Eclipse Configuration Software Instruction Manual

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Windows Vista & Windows 7

When running Windows Vista or Windows 7 ASP.Net must be enabled
under IIS for the ECS Client Server system to function. To check this
and enable ASP.Net if required complete the following steps.
1. Click the Windows Start button and open the Control Panel.
2. Open Programs & Features.
3. Select “Turn Windows features on or off” from the side bar.
4. Expand the “Internet Information Services” menu.
5. Expand the “World Wide Web Service” menu.
6. Expand the “Application Development Features” menu.
7. If the “ASP.NET” box is checked (enabled) close the manager. If

“ASP.NET” box is not checked click on the box to enabled it

8. Close the Internet Information Services menu.
9. Return to the Control Panel.
10. Close the Control Panel.

IIS Pool Recycling

In order for the ECS server to operate with continuous logging enabled
IIS pool recycling must be disabled. If pool recycling is not disabled
event logging from the server to clients may stop when the server
process is automatically restarted by the IIS Manager. The pool
recycling configuration options are only available in IIS manager under
Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista.

Disabling IIS Pool Recycling in Windows 2003 Server

1. Click on the Start icon (bottom left) to open the Start menu.
2. Click on “Programs”, then “Administrative Tools”.

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