Copy, Paste, Clear – Clear-Com Eclipse-Omega User Manual
Page 311: Copy -59, Paste -59, Clear -59, Figure 7-70 label file load dialogue -59
Eclipse Configuration Software Instruction Manual
7 - 5 9
Figure 7-70: Label File Load Dialogue
Select the required file and click on the ‘Open’ button to load the labels
from the file. When a label load is performed all the labels on a panel
(including shift pages) and cleared before the new labels are applied.
If the type of panel being loaded is not the same as the type of panel
the label file was saved from this may result in labels being lost when
the panel is loaded.
Clicking on the ‘Copy’ button on the Panel Programming toolbar will
copy the labels of the current panel page only into the scratch pad. It
does not copy labels from expansion panels.
Clicking on the ‘Paste’ button on the Panel Programming toolbar will
paste the labels copied to the scratch pad onto the currently selected
panel. All the labels currently on the page will be lost. This allows
single pages of labels to be pasted on to the panel.
If the type of panel being pasted to is not the same as the type of panel
the labels were copied from this may result in labels being lost when
the labels are pasted onto the new panel.
Clicking on the ‘Clear’ button on the Panel Programming toolbar will
clear all the labels from the current panel including shift pages but
excluding any attached expansion panels.