Remote telephone, Remote telephone set-up, Alternative method for remote telephone set-up – Clear-Com Eclipse-Omega User Manual
Page 364: Remote telephone -14, Remote telephone set-up -14, Alternative method for remote telephone set-up -14
Eclipse Configuration Software Instruction Manual
1 0 - 1 4
• Select Remote Interfaces and locate the remote 2-way radio.
• Programme onto a required panel and apply label changes.
Remote Telephone functionality allows a TEL-14 to be configured on
one system and be available for use on another system. However in
order for a remote telephone to make a call DTMF tone generation is
required. The way that an Eclipse panel can make remote calls is
through the use of Speed Dials.
Using a linked system of two frames as an example, on one system
configure a telephone interface, then configure a Speed Dial which is
then attached to a control.
• Switch configurations then open panel programming screen.
• Select interfaces and locate the telephone interface.
• Programme the telephone interface onto any required panel(s).
• Select the control tab.
• Select the control for the speed dial and programme next to the
telephone interface.
• Activate a talk for the telephone.
• Activate the speed dial.
• Set-up telephone and speed dial as before.
• Switch configurations.
• Programme the telephone interface onto any required panels.
• Double click the talk label to the telephone interface.
• Select controls and click on the speed dial control.
• Add to the stacked key area .
• Download to the frame.
• Activating the talk to the telephone will operate the speed dial and the
call will be made.