Delivery methods – Konica Minolta Digital StoreFront User Manual

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Delivery Methods

Overview of Delivery Methods

Digital StoreFront has five built-in delivery methods: Customer Pick-Up, Courier, FedEx OverNight, UPS
Overnight, Airborne Express Overnight. These five delivery methods are “reserved” and cannot be
deleted. They will be available as options for each print shop in your system. You can, however, use the
procedures described below to add other delivery methods and assign them on a per-print shop basis.
Thus, each print shop can have a different set of delivery options. This section provides instructions for
creating, editing, and deleting delivery methods.

What are delivery methods for?

When should you use them?

Specifying delivery methods for the print

To make selected delivery methods available for
buyers who order products from the print shop.

To add a delivery method


Click Add.


In the Description field type a descriptive name for the delivery method you are adding (e.g., “Ajax

Courier Ltd.”).


Check the Requires Delivery Address box if the delivery method you are adding requires a street

address. This will require buyers to specify a street address for delivery during the checkout process.


From the Carrier pull-down menu select a carrier, or click Add New and type the name and URL

(web address) of the new carrier then click Add.

The URL is the address to the website that an order tracking number will go to for orders

shipped via this delivery method.


(Optional step to be completed only if you want to use the third-party AuctionInc shipping

calculation application:) In the Configuration of Auctioninc section:

For detailed instructions on configuring AuctionInc in Digital StoreFront, see

Shipping Cost



Select a Shipping Carrier and Carrier Service for the delivery method.

Type the maximum package weight the carrier will accept.

It is recommended that you always set the maximum package weight to 35 pounds.

In the Shipping Mark Up field specify a value by which to adjust the shipping charges calculated
by AuctionInc. You can choose to increase or decrease the AuctionInc assessed shipping charge
by a specified percentage or amount.

This adjustment field enables you to apply rebates or surcharges, if any, not accounted

for in the AuctionInc calculation. Thus, the shipping charge assessed will be: