Output devices – Konica Minolta Digital StoreFront User Manual

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Digital StoreFront 5.2 Administration Reference


Output Devices

Overview of Output Devices in Digital StoreFront

An output device is any peripheral device that produces a customer’s job, such as a printer, plotter, or
copier. Output Devices are managed through the “Print Shops” page because output devices are linked
to specific print shops.

To set up output devices in Digital StoreFront, add all of the output devices necessary to complete any
jobs that the print shop produces. When setting up an output device, you will need to specify a file
directory path accessible from the computer where RPC (Remote Print Center)/Distributed Services is
running. The RPC will create a folder for storing copies of files associated with jobs. If an output device,
such as the MicroPress or Fiery device, is set to monitor the folder, it will pick jobs up from the folder.

For more information on setting up your site to support MicroPress and Fiery devices, see


Device Support


For information on setting up a connector (EFI Fiery, Fiery XF, or JDF Connector) to use with

Digital StoreFront, see

Print Shop Connectors


To access output device information


On the Print Shop page, click the name of the print shop whose output device you want to manage.


Scroll down to the Default Output Device field, select a device from the pull-down list or click the

Manage Output Devices link.


The Status column will return information about the device status: Error, Online, Offline, Warning
(the key to the status icons is below the table

