Konica Minolta Digital StoreFront User Manual
Page 336
Digital StoreFront 5.2 Administration Reference
It is always helpful to have a site-level price sheet to minimize data entry (i.e., so that
you only have to enter exceptions to the base pricing for a company or print shop, for instance
when you want to adjust pricing for a sale or promotion for a particular subset of customers).
Print Shop-Level Pricing in Digital StoreFront
What is Print Shop-Level Pricing?
Print shop-level pricing is pricing that is applied at the print shop level (between the more
general site-level and the more specific company-level).
When to use Print Shop-Level Pricing?
You would use print shop-level pricing (i.e., a print shop price sheet) when you have
multiple Print Shops and want to charge a different price based on the Print Shop with
which the order is placed.
How is Print Shop-Level Pricing Set Up?
After you set up your site-level (default) price sheet, you will make a copy of it and adjust
the prices that will be different from the site-level in the Print Shop price sheet. When a
buyer selects ticket options for an order, the pricing system checks for the Print Shop price
list. If no Print Shop-level pricing is configured, the site-level price sheet will be applied.
Company-Level Pricing in Digital StoreFront
What is Company-Level Pricing?
Print shop-level pricing is pricing that is applied at the print shop level (between the more
general site-level and the more specific company-level).
When to use Company-Level Pricing?
You would use company-level pricing (i.e., a company price sheet) when you have multiple
companies and want to charge a different price based on the company in which the
customer places the order. If you have different pricing arrangements for different
customers based on the company they are registered with you will want to use company
price lists.
How is Company-Level Pricing Set Up?
After you set up your site-level (default) price sheet, you will make a copy of it and adjust
the prices that will be different from the site-level in the Company price sheet. When a
buyer selects ticket options for an order, the pricing system checks for the Company price
list. If no company-level pricing is configured, the pricing system will check for a Print Shop
price list. If now print shop-level pricing is configured, the site-level price sheet will be
How Pricing is Applied
During job configuration, shopping cart, and order placement, Digital StoreFront will use the prices that
you enter as follows:
Pre-priced products: Certain types of products (finished goods, Static and Non-Print items) are
assigned a fixed price. For example, a ream of paper is priced at $6.99.
Calculated from job specifications: Products that are not pre-priced can be calculated from the job
specifications. In this case, the system will total up the number of impressions, sheets, and other