Konica Minolta Digital StoreFront User Manual
Page 411
Storefront Customization
For instructions on adding or editing promo codes, see
Add or Edit a Promo Code
Administrators with a large number of promo codes can download the promo code data template (in
CSV, or comma-separated value format) and enter data into it in a spreadsheet application such as
Microsoft Excel then upload the file to Digital StoreFront. In this way they can avoid having to enter all
the data in Digital StoreFront separately.
You can import only fixed amount and percentage discount promo code offer information (not
incremental discount promo codes).
On the Import Promo Codes page, complete the following steps to download and format the CSV
template for importing promotional offers:
Select the text format from the Type pull-down list: Unicode (UTF-8), Unicode, Western
European (Windows).
Select the field delimiter used to separate the values in the exported file: , | \t ;
Click Download Sample Data Source.
On the File Download dialog, click Save.
On the Save As dialog, select the folder in which to save the file then click Save.
Minimize Digital StoreFront and navigate to the file you just downloaded and double-click to
open it. The graphic below shows a Promotional Offer CSV Template open in Microsoft Excel.
Type your promo code data in the template, then save the data file with a descriptive name.
Be sure all your data is formatted correctly. Digital StoreFront will validate the fields
during the upload (e.g., to verify that you have not entered a value in both the amount and
percentage columns for the same card). Do not enter currency signs (such as $) or percentage
(%) characters in for amounts and percentages and make sure that no promotions are set to
start or end (the ValidFrom and ValidTill columns) in the past.