Konica Minolta Digital StoreFront User Manual
Page 175

The read-only Updated field indicates the date and time the settings were last changed and
the read-only Active Fields lists all accounting active and obsolete.
Set the options for each of the fields to suit the needs of your organization.
Define an accounting code by first naming it and then setting policies for its use and validation
during checkout.
This setting...
Stands for...
Display As:
Name shown to buyers on the storefront during checkout.
Obsolete or Active. Only Active fields are displayed for new
orders. Obsolete ones are no longer requested for checkout
and cannot be modified. These fields are retained in the
system for reporting and order history..
Checkout Policy:
Optional or Required. Specifies whether this is a required
field for buyer.
Validation Policy:
Specifies the type of validation that should be performed.
Choices are None, Match Pattern (which requests a regular
expression) and Compare with dataset (comparison with a
set of values that are imported from a CSV file).
You can upload valid accounting codes to use for validating the accounting codes buyers enter:
In the Select Data File field click Browse... and select a CSV (comma-separated-value) formatted
file containing all authorized values for the present accounting code and then click Open.
In the Specify Column Name field enter the exact name of the column in the CSV file you are
uploading that contains the authorized values.
The name of the column you enter in this field must be an exact match with the name
of the column in the CSV file that contains the authorized accounting code values.
Click Upload Accounting Codes.
Examples of Validation Policies
Match Pattern:
Here is an example that uses the pattern method to validate the buyer-supplied data. In this case,
you can use a Microsoft .NET regular expression, which requires a series of digits starting with the
digit 5. Note that the upload area of the page will be present but disabled if this validation policy is