Importing illustrator images, Importing digital audio, Using audio from audio cds – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual
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Capturing, digitizing, transferring, and importing
Last updated 11/6/2011
Importing Illustrator images
You can import an Adobe Illustrator still-image file directly into a Premiere Pro project. Premiere Pro converts path-
based Illustrator art into the pixel-based image format used by Premiere Pro, a process known as rasterization.
Premiere Pro automatically anti-aliases, or smooths, edges of the Illustrator art. Premiere Pro also converts all empty
areas into an alpha channel, so that empty areas become transparent.
If you want to define the dimensions of the Illustrator art when it is rasterized, use Illustrator to set crop marks in the
Illustrator file. For information about setting crop marks, see Illustrator Help.
For more information about importing Illustrator files, see the video tutorial, Premiere Pro CS3 Essential Training:
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Importing numbered still-image sequences as one clip
You can import an animation contained in a single file, such as an animated GIF. You can also import a sequence of
numbered still-image files, such as a TIFF sequence, and automatically combine them into a single video clip; each
numbered file becomes one frame of video. Importing a sequence is useful for animations exported as a series of
numbered still images by applications like After Effects. The images in the series cannot include layers. For
information on layers and flattening, see the application’s documentation.
Make sure that each still-image filename contains an equal number of digits at the end and has the correct file
extension—for example, file000.bmp, file001.bmp, and so forth.
Choose File > Import.
Locate and select the first numbered file in the sequence, select Numbered Stills, and click Open. When Numbered
Stills is selected, Premiere Pro interprets each of the numbered files as a single frame in a video clip.
Note: Changing the default duration of still images in the Preferences dialog box does not affect the duration of numbered
stills imported into a video clip. Each still becomes one frame when imported in this way.
Importing digital audio
You can import digital audio clips stored as audio files or tracks in video files. Digital audio is stored on computer hard
disks, audio CDs, or digital audio tape (DAT) as binary data readable by computers. To keep quality as high as possible,
transfer digital audio files to your computer via digital connections. Avoid digitizing the analog outputs from your
audio sources through your sound card.
Note: To capture an audio-only file from a digital video source, choose Audio from the Capture menu in the Logging pane
of the Capture panel. Premiere Pro does not support audio-only capture for some formats, such as HDV.
Using audio from audio CDs
You can use CD audio (CDA) files in a project, but before you can import them into Premiere Pro, you need to convert
them to a supported file format, such as WAV or AIFF. You can convert CDA files using an audio application such as
Adobe® Audition®.
Note: Make sure that you own the copyrights or have licensed the copyrights to any audio tracks you use.