Creating clips, Duplicate a clip, Creating subclips – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Editing sequences and clips

Last updated 11/6/2011

Creating clips

In Premiere Pro, you create clips by importing files, duplicating clips, or making subclips. You create a clip instance
by using a clip in a sequence.

Source clips, clip instances, subclips, and duplicate clips

In Premiere Pro, a clip points to a source file. Trimming a clip, or editing it in any way, does not affect the source file.
For example, if you import a 30-minute file into Premiere Pro, you create a 30-minute clip that points to that source
file. If you trim the clip to a five-minute duration, the 30-minute source file remains on your hard disk, but the clip
refers only to a five-minute section of it. Premiere Pro stores information about clips in clip metadata fields in project
files, but stores information about source files in XMP metadata fields.

You can trim source clips, clip instances, subclips, or duplicate clips. You can trim all types of clips in sequences in
much the same way. The clip types differ in the following ways:

Source (master) clip

The clip originally imported into the Project panel. It is listed in the Project panel only once by

default. If you delete a source clip from the Project panel, all of its instances are also deleted.

Clip instance

A dependent reference to a source clip, used in a sequence. Each time you add a clip to a sequence, you

create another instance of the clip. A clip instance uses the name and source file reference used by its source clip. While
clip instances are not listed in the Project panel, they are differentiated in the Source Monitor menu if you open
instances there. The Source Monitor menu lists instances by name, sequence name, and In point.


A section of a master clip that references the master clip’s media file. Use subclips to reference discreet sections

of long master clips. (See

Creating subclips

” on page 151.)

Duplicate clip

An independent copy of a source clip, which you create manually using the Edit > Duplicate command.

You can also create a duplicate clip by importing the same file more than once. Unlike a clip instance, a duplicate clip
maintains its own reference to the original clip’s source file on disk and exists as an additional clip in the Project panel.
Premiere Pro does not delete a duplicate clip when you delete its original from the Project panel. Master and duplicate
clips can be renamed independently.

More Help topics

Using clip metadata and file metadata

” on page 112

Duplicate a clip


In the Project panel, select a clip, and choose Edit > Duplicate.


To rename the duplicate clip, select it, choose Clip > Rename, and type a new name for the clip.

You can also create a duplicate clip by copying and pasting it in the Project panel (or its folders), by Ctrl-dragging
(Windows) or Command-dragging (Mac OS) a clip in the Project panel.

Creating subclips

A subclip is a section of a master (source) clip that you want to edit and manage separately in your project. You can
use subclips to organize long media files.

You work with subclips in a Timeline panel as you do with master clips. Trimming and editing a subclip is constrained
by its start and end points. However, you can set new In and Out points for a subclip, as long as they fall between the
original In and Out points you set for the subclip when you create it from the master clip.