Apply lighting effects textures – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 324

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Effects and transitions

Last updated 11/6/2011


Adjusts the size of the Spotlight’s brightest area.

Important: The Light Type determines which Lighting Effects properties are available. Make sure to click the Transform
icon to display a light’s handles and Center circle in the Program Monitor.


Use the following controls to set the Lighting Effects properties:

Ambient Light Color

Changes the color of the ambient light.

Ambience Intensity

Diffuses the light as if it were combined with other light in a room, such as sunlight or fluorescent

light. Choose a value of 100 to use only the light source, or a value of –100 to remove the light source. To change the
color of the ambient light, click the color box and use the color picker that appears.

Surface Gloss

Determines how much the surface reflects light (as on the surface of a piece of photographic paper) from

–100 (low reflectance) to 100 (high reflectance).

Surface Material

Determines which is more reflective: the light or the object on which the light is cast. A value of –100

reflects the light’s color, and a value of 100 reflects the object’s color.


Increases (positive values) or decreases (negative values) the light’s brightness. A value of 0 is the default

brightness of the light.


(Optional) Repeat steps 3 - 7 to add more lights (Light 2 - Light 5).


(Optional) If you added a clip to use as a bump layer (Lighting Effects texture), choose the track containing the
bump layer clip from the Bump Layer menu. Use the controls to adjust the properties for the bump layer.

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Apply Lighting Effects textures

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Apply Lighting Effects textures

A bump layer in the Lighting Effects lets you use the pattern or texture from a clip to control how light reflects off an
image. Using a clip with textures like paper or water can create a 3D-like lighting effect.


Add the clip you want to use as a bump layer (texture) to a separate track in your sequence.


Click the Toggle Track Output icon

to hide the track containing the bump layer clip.


Add the Lighting Effects to a clip in the same sequence.


In the Effect Controls panel, click the triangle to expand the Lighting Effects.


(Optional) Click the triangle next to Light 1 to adjust the light’s properties.


Choose the video track containing the bump layer from the Bump Layer menu.


From the Bump Channel menu, specify whether to use the bump layer clip’s red, green, blue, or alpha channel to
create the lighting effects texture.


Select the White Is High option to raise the white parts of the channel from the surface. Deselect this option to raise
the dark parts.


Scrub the underlined text to specify the Bump Height value from flat (0) to mountainous (100).