Export an omf file for pro tools – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

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Last updated 11/6/2011

Note: Adobe Premiere Pro applies only the effects listed, on export to OMF. Also, since OMF values are clip-based,
Adobe Premiere Pro does not export most track-based values to OMF.

Sample accurate exports

Premiere Pro places all transitions and keyframe points on audio sample boundaries. Video

frame boundaries do not constrain these locations.

48k and 96k sample rates

Premiere Pro converts sound clips to the same consistent sample rate, as required by Pro

Tools. You can select the sample rate at the time of export.

16-bit and 24-bit depth

You can choose the bit-depth at the time of export.

Encapsulate and Separate Audio options

With the Encapsulate option, you can export a single, large, OMF file

containing both audio and OMF metadata. With the Separate Audio option, you can export a smaller OMF file and a
set of related, individual, external audio files. The Separate Audio option is useful for larger projects, as an OMF file
cannot exceed two gigabytes.

Track names

OMF and Pro Tools work with mono tracks only. Premiere Pro exports each channel from a stereo, 5.1-

channel or 16-channel track into its own mono track with its source track ID appended to its track name. Premiere
Pro exports Left and Right stereo channels with _L and _R in their respective track names.

Clip names

After you import an OMF file into Pro Tools, the clip names from the Premiere Pro sequence appear in

the Pro Tools timeline.

Clip volume and clip keyframe volume

By default, Premiere Pro exports clip volume levels and clip keyframe volume

levels to the Clip Gain effect in the OMF file. You can set DigiTranslator to accept or ignore keyframe volume settings.

Audio Transitions

Premiere Pro exports audio transitions between two adjoining clips, both centered or not centered,

as you specify.

Audio Mixer pan settings

One pan setting is exported per clip without keyframes. Premiere Pro extracts the pan

setting from the track and applies it to the clip export data.

Stereo tracks

By default, Premiere Pro hard pans the Left channel to the left and the Right channel to the right on

export to OMF.

Stereo Balance

Premiere Pro applies clip balance to the Clip Gain effect for the clip. Premiere Pro does not apply

Audio Mixer balance, as that is track-based, not clip-based.

Channel Gain effects for 5.1-channel and 16-channel tracks

Premiere Pro applies the first channel-gain value per clip

channel. Premiere Pro does not apply clip channel-gain keyframes.

Fill Left, Fill Right, and Swap Channel effects

Premiere Pro applies the first value for Fill Left, Fill Right, and Swap

Channel effects to each clip. Premiere Pro does not apply Fill Left, Fill Right, or Swap Channel keyframes.

Toggle Track Output

Premiere Pro exports only those audio tracks with the Toggle Track Output setting turned on. If

a track is turned off it does not appear in the exported OMF file. Premiere Pro does not apply the Audio Mixer Mute
Track, or Solo Track button settings.

Nested sequences

Premiere Pro exports audio for each nested sequence the same way it does for each simple clip.

Export an OMF file for Pro Tools


In a Timeline panel, select a sequence.


Select File > Export > Export To OMF.


In the OMF Export Settings dialog box, type a title for the OMF file into the OMF Title field.


From the Sample Rate and Bits Per Sample menus, choose the settings needed for your sequence.