Export a clip notes pdf, Add clip notes comments, Add clip – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 460: Notes comments

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Last updated 11/6/2011

Note: When you create a Clip Notes review movie, you can specify FTP settings in the Others tab of the export settings
dialog box to automatically place the PDF file on an FTP server for convenient exchange of files and comments.

When your reviewers open the PDF, they can play the movie and enter comments. Each comment is associated with
a specific time in the movie.

A reviewer then exports the comments to a file and sends the file back to you. When you import the comments, the
reviewer’s comments appear in the comments field of markers placed in the Timeline panel.

To view the PDF, a reviewer must have Adobe Acrobat Standard, Acrobat Professional, or Adobe Reader (version 7.0.5
or later). Adobe Reader is available as a free download from the Adobe website.

Note: To keep comments from being associated with the wrong part of a movie, avoid changing the sequence or
composition until you have imported all Clip Notes comments related to it.

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Export a Clip Notes PDF

You can export your movie in a PDF file for comments from your collaborators, using Clip Notes. For a video on using
Clip Notes, see


For more information about Clip Notes export settings, see “

Clip Notes export settings

” on page 442.


Select a sequence in a Timeline panel and choose File > Export > Adobe Clip Notes.


In the Export Settings dialog box, specify the following options:


Select either Clip Notes QuickTime or Clip Notes Windows Media (Windows only).

Note: QuickTime format will allow any marker comments you make in Premiere Pro to appear at their respective frames
in the player embedded in the Clip Notes PDF.


Select a preset based on desired broadcast standard, data rate, aspect ratio, and quality.

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Clip Notes export settings

” on page 442

Add Clip Notes comments


Open the Clip Notes PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Standard, Acrobat Professional, or Adobe Reader (version 7.0.5 or


If prompted, specify your preference in the Manage Trust For Multimedia Content dialog box. If prompted for a
password, enter the password and click

OK. If prompted with an Instructions dialog box, read the instructions and



Note: You can view the instructions at any time by clicking the View Instructions button



Enter your name in the Reviewer Name field. This name will appear in your comments.


Navigate to frames and add comments to them:

To navigate to a specific frame, use the media player’s playback controls.