Roll effect (windows only), Vertical flip effect, Vertical hold effect (windows only) – Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 User Manual

Page 400: Transition effects, Block dissolve effect, Gradient wipe effect

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Effects and transitions

Last updated 11/6/2011

Roll effect (Windows only)

The Roll effect rolls a clip to the left or to the right, or up or down, as if the image were on a cylinder.

Vertical Flip effect

The Vertical Flip effect flips a clip upside down. Keyframes cannot be applied to this effect.

Vertical Hold effect (Windows only)

The Vertical Hold effect scrolls the clip upward; the effect is similar to adjusting the vertical hold on a television set.
Keyframes cannot be applied to this effect.

Transition effects

Block Dissolve effect

The Block Dissolve effect makes a clip disappear in random blocks. The width and height of the blocks, in pixels, can
be set independently.

Original image (left), and with effect applied (center and right)

Gradient Wipe effect

(32-bit) The Gradient Wipe effect causes pixels in the clip to become transparent based on the luminance values of
corresponding pixels in another video track, called the gradient layer. Dark pixels in the gradient layer cause the
corresponding pixels to become transparent at a lower Transition Completion value. For example, a simple grayscale
gradient layer that goes from black on the left to white on the right causes the underlying clip to be revealed from left
to right as Transition Completion increases.

Original image (left), and with effect applied (center and right)

The gradient layer can be a still image or a moving image. The gradient layer must be in the same sequence as the clip
to which you apply Gradient Wipe.